How old are you really? This age recognition app can provide you a full test using your birth date, face scanner and brain analysis.AGE CALCULATOR CHARACTERISTICSIn addition to generating a complete test for a subject, AgeBot allows you to perform a specific analysis from the available ones "How old are you ?".AGING FACE SCANNER How old do I look ? Determine your face age from photos using facial recognition. AgeBot can guess your age and gender. It can also find multiple faces in a picture and estimate the age for each face.ACTUAL AGE CALCULATORHow old am I exactly? Through calculation algorithms you will discover your actual lifetime expressed in years, months, days, hours, and minutes from your date of birth and time.BRAIN AGE ANALYZERHow old am I analyzing my brain age? Simple yet addicting mathematical calculator which tests your brain age base on your game performance.